Generalized Abundance Index (1)

Here you we will use the rbms package to estimate a regional flight curve for two different species, Maniola jurtina and Polyommatus icarus. We will use a subset of real data over 10 years, extracted from the eBMS database and generously provided by our colleagues in France, the UK and the Netherlands. The data have been anonymized and their spatial resolution limited to 1km accuracy, but the count are real, including the noise.

The bms_workshop_data folder that can be downloaded here.

For this section, you will need to install and load the rbms package available on GitHub with some explanation and documentation available here

if(!requireNamespace("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

If you have difficulty to install the package directly, you can get the rbms.v_xxx.tar.gz file and install from file in R or RStudio.

##  Welcome to rbms, version 1.1.3 
##  This package has been tested, but is still in active development and feedbacks are welcome

Here we will use the count and visit data.

b_count_sub <- readRDS("bms_workshop_data/work_count.rds")
m_visit_sub <- readRDS("bms_workshop_data/work_visit.rds")

Exploring data

Let’s first explore the data and what is in these two tables

datatable(b_count_sub[1:50, ], rownames = FALSE, filter = "top", options = list(pageLength = 5, scrollX = T))
datatable(m_visit_sub[1:50, ], rownames = FALSE, filter = "top", options = list(pageLength = 5, scrollX = T))
unique(b_count_sub[ , .(bms_id, species_name)])
##    bms_id       species_name
## 1:  FRBMS    Maniola jurtina
## 2:  FRBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 3:  NLBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 4:  NLBMS    Maniola jurtina
## 5:  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 6:  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
unique(b_count_sub[order(year), year])
##  [1] 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Selecting species

The functions available in rbms package work on single species and within one region. This way, the function can be run on various cluster, in parallel or in for loops, but this is your choice and here wi will run it for a single species in one region.

  1. First let’s select a species
# s_sp <- "Maniola jurtina"
s_sp <- "Polyommatus icarus"
region_bms <- c("NLBMS", "FRBMS")

In the rbms package, you will find two example data set with the required column names, these names are “hard coded” so they need to be exactly the same in your data sets.

  1. Arrange data set name to fit the functions requirements
setnames(m_visit_sub, c("transect_id_serial", "visit_date"), c("SITE_ID", "DATE"))
names(m_visit_sub) <- toupper(names(m_visit_sub))

setnames(b_count_sub, c("transect_id_serial", "visit_date", "species_name"), c("SITE_ID", "DATE", "SPECIES"))
names(b_count_sub) <- toupper(names(b_count_sub))
  1. Prepare a full time-series to align count, visit, monitoring and flight curve estimate, using the function ts_dwmy_table()
    • InitYear
    • LastYear
    • WeekDay1
ts_date <- rbms::ts_dwmy_table(InitYear = 2008,
                               LastYear = 2017,
                               WeekDay1 = "monday")
  1. Define the monitoring season with the function ts_monit_season()
    • ts_date
    • StartMonth
    • EndMonth
    • StartDay
    • EndDay
    • CompltSeason
    • Anchor
    • AnchorLength
    • AnchorLag
    • TimeUnit (“d” or “w”)
ts_season <- rbms::ts_monit_season(ts_date, 
                                   StartMonth = 4,
                                   EndMonth = 9, 
                                   StartDay = 1, 
                                   EndDay = NULL,
                                   CompltSeason = TRUE,
                                   Anchor = TRUE,
                                   AnchorLength = 2,
                                   AnchorLag = 2,
                                   TimeUnit = "w")
  1. Align the site visit in the region of interest with your monitoring season
MY_visit_region <- m_visit_sub[BMS_ID %in% region_bms, ]
ts_season_visit <- rbms::ts_monit_site(MY_visit_region, ts_season)
## Warning in rbms::ts_monit_site(MY_visit_region, ts_season): We have changed the
## order of the input arguments, with ts_seaon now in first place, before m_visit.
  1. Align the butterfly counts recorded for the species and region of interest with your visit and monitoring season

Above, we already identified the species in the object s_sp.

MY_count_region <- b_count_sub[BMS_ID %in% region_bms, ]
ts_season_count <- rbms::ts_monit_count_site(ts_season_visit, MY_count_region, sp = s_sp)
  1. Estimate the flight curve for a species and region of interest, using cubic spline smoother available in the mgcv package.
    • ts_season_count
    • NbrSample
    • MinVisit
    • MinOccur
    • MinNbrSite
    • MaxTrial
    • GamFamily
    • SpeedGam (logical)
    • CompltSeason (logical)
    • SelectYear
    • TimeUnit (“d” or “w”)
ts_flight_curve <- rbms::flight_curve(ts_season_count,
                                            NbrSample = 500,
                                            MinVisit = 3,
                                            MinOccur = 2,
                                            MinNbrSite = 5,
                                            MaxTrial = 4,
                                            GamFamily = "nb",
                                            SpeedGam = FALSE,
                                            CompltSeason = TRUE,
                                            SelectYear = NULL,
                                            TimeUnit = "w"

saveRDS(ts_flight_curve, file.path("bms_workshop_data", paste(gsub(" ", "_", s_sp), paste(region_bms, collapse="_"), "pheno.rds", sep = "_")))
  1. Extract and plot the estimated phenology
ts_flight_curve <- readRDS(file.path("bms_workshop_data", paste(gsub(" ", "_", s_sp), paste(region_bms, collapse="_"), "pheno.rds", sep = "_")))

datatable(ts_flight_curve$pheno[1:370, .(SPECIES, M_YEAR, MONTH, trimWEEKNO, WEEK_SINCE, ANCHOR, NM)], rownames = FALSE, filter = "top", options = list(pageLength = 5, scrollX = T))

rbms does not contain a plot method, so you have to make your own with your favourite tool.

Bellow is example with plot in base R I am sure you can do better!

## Extract phenology part
pheno <- ts_flight_curve$pheno 

## add the line of the first year
yr <- unique(pheno[order(M_YEAR), as.numeric(as.character(M_YEAR))])

if("trimWEEKNO" %in% names(pheno)){
  plot(pheno[M_YEAR == yr[1], trimWEEKNO], pheno[M_YEAR == yr[1], NM], type = 'l', ylim = c(0, max(pheno[, NM])), xlab = 'Monitoring Week', ylab = 'Relative Abundance')
} else {
  plot(pheno[M_YEAR == yr[1], trimDAYNO], pheno[M_YEAR == yr[1], NM], type = 'l', ylim = c(0, max(pheno[, NM])), xlab = 'Monitoring Day', ylab = 'Relative Abundance')


## add individual curves for additional years
if(length(yr) > 1) {
i <- 2
  for(y in yr[-1]){
    if("trimWEEKNO" %in% names(pheno)){
      points(pheno[M_YEAR == y , trimWEEKNO], pheno[M_YEAR == y, NM], type = 'l', col = i)
    } else {
      points(pheno[M_YEAR == y, trimDAYNO], pheno[M_YEAR == y, NM], type = 'l', col = i)
    i <- i + 1

## add legend
legend('topright', legend = c(yr), col = c(seq_along(c(yr))), lty = 1, bty = 'n')