Source trend functions required that you can download from this link.


Read in collated indices for two species and filter to one BMS

bms <- "UKBMS"
co_index <- rbind(readRDS("./bms_workshop_data/Maniola_jurtina_co_index_boot.rds"),
co_index <- co_index[BMS_ID == bms]
##     1:     0   2008   155       154 343.00258  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##     2:     0   2009   216       215 316.96054  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##     3:     0   2010   231       228 232.68168  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##     4:     0   2011   232       228 273.07411  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##     5:     0   2012   264       262 350.30579  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##    ---                                                                 
## 10016:   500   2013   143       169  84.67527  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 10017:   500   2014   150       163  57.17384  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 10018:   500   2015   146       202  49.50536  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 10019:   500   2016   139       158  26.61983  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 10020:   500   2017   148       198  59.65347  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus

Convert to log 10 collated indices (TRMOBS)

co_index[COL_INDEX > 0, LOGDENSITY:= log(COL_INDEX)/log(10)][, TRMOBS := LOGDENSITY - mean(LOGDENSITY) + 2, by = .(SPECIES, BOOTi)]
##     1:     0   2008   155       154 343.00258  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##     2:     0   2009   216       215 316.96054  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##     3:     0   2010   231       228 232.68168  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##     4:     0   2011   232       228 273.07411  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##     5:     0   2012   264       262 350.30579  UKBMS    Maniola jurtina
##    ---                                                                 
## 10016:   500   2013   143       169  84.67527  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 10017:   500   2014   150       163  57.17384  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 10018:   500   2015   146       202  49.50536  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 10019:   500   2016   139       158  26.61983  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
## 10020:   500   2017   148       198  59.65347  UKBMS Polyommatus icarus
##     1:   2.535297 2.013024
##     2:   2.501005 1.978731
##     3:   2.366762 1.844488
##     4:   2.436281 1.914007
##     5:   2.544447 2.022173
##    ---                    
## 10016:   1.927757 2.254929
## 10017:   1.757197 2.084370
## 10018:   1.694652 2.021825
## 10019:   1.425205 1.752378
## 10020:   1.775636 2.102809

Next we calculate and plot the indicator, where the confidence interval is based on the bootstraps

First we generate the indicator for real data

msi <- produce_indicator0(co_index[BOOTi == 0])
##    year indicator ind_gam0    SMOOTH NSPECIES
## 1  2008  93.06434 63.45042 100.00000        2
## 2  2009 128.66868 78.32167 123.43759        2
## 3  2010 159.79842 79.71374 125.63153        2
## 4  2011  93.27168 64.26747 101.28769        2
## 5  2012  79.35512 63.13894  99.50909        2
## 6  2013 164.67445 87.10999 137.28827        2
## 7  2014 135.27982 95.79242 150.97207        2
## 8  2015 131.30396 79.97811 126.04818        2
## 9  2016  89.99077 79.85997 125.86200        2
## 10 2017 157.60336 89.84621 141.60064        2

Then generate an indicator for each bootstrap

msi_boot <- produce_indicators_boot(co_index[BOOTi > 0])
##  num [1:10, 1:500] 59.9 73.6 75 60.9 61.7 ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : NULL
##   ..$ : chr [1:500] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
##              1        2        3        4        5
##  [1,] 59.94336 63.03045 65.00111 63.97033 66.23381
##  [2,] 73.55726 77.28879 79.18544 78.92274 83.27691
##  [3,] 74.97925 78.57417 79.19096 80.36084 85.12711
##  [4,] 60.88879 63.89199 61.36524 65.10461 68.43662
##  [5,] 61.72164 62.75340 58.76827 62.95547 63.94505
##  [6,] 87.33930 89.17058 84.65269 86.04877 87.39197
##  [7,] 96.05617 99.77533 96.20685 95.91916 98.09845
##  [8,] 79.92003 84.19464 82.31011 80.30745 81.79870
##  [9,] 79.69771 82.81265 82.23267 80.10832 80.82010
## [10,] 89.77988 90.08617 90.71027 89.64004 89.36373

Now we add a confidence interval to the indicator based on quantiles from the bootstrapped indicators

msi <- add_indicator_CI(msi, msi_boot)
##    year indicator ind_gam0    SMOOTH NSPECIES LOWsmooth1 UPPsmooth1
## 1  2008  93.06434 63.45042 100.00000        2   88.14009   111.0803
## 2  2009 128.66868 78.32167 123.43759        2  112.91961   134.9132
## 3  2010 159.79842 79.71374 125.63153        2  114.83919   136.8903
## 4  2011  93.27168 64.26747 101.28769        2   92.73150   110.9626
## 5  2012  79.35512 63.13894  99.50909        2   89.62639   109.2745
## 6  2013 164.67445 87.10999 137.28827        2  125.17660   149.9729
## 7  2014 135.27982 95.79242 150.97207        2  140.38601   161.6547
## 8  2015 131.30396 79.97811 126.04818        2  116.72898   134.7303
## 9  2016  89.99077 79.85997 125.86200        2  120.03092   131.7026
## 10 2017 157.60336 89.84621 141.60064        2  139.70652   143.4271

Plot the indicator

ggplot(msi, aes(year, indicator))+
  theme(text = element_text(size = 14))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LOWsmooth1, ymax = UPPsmooth1), alpha=.2, fill = "blue")+
  geom_point(color = "blue")+
  geom_line(aes(y = SMOOTH), color = "blue")+
  ylim(c(0, max(200,max(msi$UPPsmooth1))))+
  ggtitle(paste("Example indicator for", bms, "based on two species"))

Calculate the indicator trend including confidence interval from the bootstraps

msi_trend <- estimate_ind_trends(msi, msi_boot)
##   minyear maxyear nboot_lt  rate_lt rate_lt_low rate_lt_upp   pcn_lt pcn_lt_low
## 1    2008    2017      500 1.029534    1.017446     1.04204 29.94672   16.84273
##   pcn_lt_upp     TrendClass_lt
## 1   44.86399 Moderate increase